World Kindness Day

November 13

World Kindness Day is November 13 each year but really every day we should do at least one act of kindness towards our family members,friends,our community and always be kind to animals. I always appreciate and respond much better to people who are kind and caring. I think we all do! If someone is speaking calmly and kindly to me it opens my heart to be my true self. I’ve never felt that tough love was how you get people to change.I feel as humans we all respond much better to loving kind people! And we should always be loving and kind to ourselves. We all have made mistakes in our lives but we don’t have to dwell on them! It’s better to look forward in a positive kind way to ourselves and those precious people who are in our lives.
Doing a act of kindness for a stranger can change that persons life. Giving food to someone who struggles to buy food or giving food to a food bank to help people. Right now especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up is the best time of year to find out what kind of food food banks need to put together a box of food for a good Thanksgiving or Christmas meal for a needy family that might not have the money to buy special food for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Or buy toys at Christmas to give to needy children whose parents are struggling to make ends meet and may not have enough money to buy toys for their children. Maybe if you belong to a organization or church and know a single parent or a widowed elderly person who you could do something for this Thanksgiving or Christmas!
But don’t just think of acts of kindness this time a year but all year every day find that small act of kindness compassion and love for our fellow people and animals to make a difference in a life! Not only will you change that person or animals life but it will change your life forever! Give to others be kind because you never know how much your kindness will change a person or animals life!