Ways to make life happier

by Darla Youngblood

1. Watch the sunrise

2. Live within your means

3. Declutter one thing a day, a drawer, closet or something else

4. Make a budget each month

5. Find a way to give like donating extra food or money to a food bank

6. Smile at a Stranger

7. Find a way to volunteer for a charity

8. Find positive things to focus on

9. Set goals for your future

10. Plan a vacation somewhere new to you

11. Give your pets a special treat

12. Tell your kids and spouse how proud of them you are

13. Start each day with positive words to your kids so they can have a good day

14. Start each day with a warm cup of coffee or tea

15. Talk with your family and friends each day on how their day was

16. Hug your family often

17. Make a special meal for no reason

18. Read a book or articles each day

19. Start a gratitude journal

20. Do something each day for self care