Traits of Wellness -Occupational

By Darla Youngblood

”Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”- Theodore Roosevelt, President

There are 8 traits to wellness. Emotional, Physical, Occupational, Social, Spiritual, Intellectual, Environmental and Financial. We have gone over the physical and emotional aspects, today we will talk about Occupational.
We all have a occupation. It can be working a job from home or going into a job plus our own home jobs of taking care of our children and all the different jobs we do to just keep our home life together. It’s very important that we keep a work life balance. Working too much can take away time with your family and friends that you will never get back .So it’s important to keep our debts low or work towards becoming debt free so your not pouring yourself into work and have more time with your family and friends. Kids grow up fast so it’s important to spend time with our children and grandchildren.
It’s very important too that you have a job that you enjoy doing and is your purpose in life. I worked 3 different jobs in social services after college. I’m happy I was able to help the people I did but at the time being a single parent it was just too stressful to talk about people’s problems all day which caused too much stress. I felt like I didn’t have the energy I needed to have for my kids. So I found jobs like being a substitute teachers aid and even driving a school bus so I was off at the same time my kids were and rewarding working with kids! Now I’m doing my favorite job which is this blog. I’m able to use not only my education to write about but my own life experiences too. I do really enjoy working from home and I do think since the pandemic there are more opportunities to work from home. Finding that job your passionate about it feels good and it doesn’t feel like work when you’re making a difference in your life and other people’s lives.
Finding the balance between work and your home life helps you reach goals professionally and privately. We all need that kind of focus and balance in our lives. So think about what’s important in life and work towards becoming debt free so you don’t have to work as much and have more time for your family and friends.