Things that Matter By Joshua Becker

By Darla Youngblood

Undoubtedly, you want to live a meaningful life-with very few regrets-and make a positive difference in the world. But is culture distracting you from doing so? Perhaps moments, days, and years go by without you stopping to ask yourself, am I living out my true purpose? Even if that question whispers to you, are you brushing it aside because you don’t know what to change in life’s busyness?
Joshua helps us answer these questions in his new book things that matter. Does money bring us happiness? Does helping others bring us joy and happiness?
I have found in my life that giving to others if it be my money, time or just an encouraging word makes me happier than anything else in this world. Joshua looks at these things and so many other things in life that truly matters. He really has done an amazing and incredible job in his book of helping all of us truly understand what our true purpose in life is. What is it that matters the most to you? If you are not sure about that , this book will awaken all of your senses of what is important in life. Material things to me do not matter as much as my time and resources of giving to my family , friends and even strangers in any meaningful way I can. Like Joshua says in his book too finding a charity to give to can help show a wonderful example to our family and friends and leave a legacy that will live way beyond our lives on earth.

I highly recommend this new book to anyone interested in really exploring what your purpose is in life and what example do you want to set for your children to learn from and pursue themselves in life. Pick up your copy today on Amazon or anywhere else you can find it. You will not be disappointed.

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