Step Forward

By Darla Youngblood

If you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.
– Nora Roberts

These words are so true. If there is something you want to do in life wether it’s starting a new career, going on your dream vacation or buying something that is important to you then you have to make a plan and do it! Just making the plan is exciting! Every step you take of that process gets you closer to your goal! And when you reach that goal how much happier you will be that you didn’t give up and reached that goal you wanted for yourself.
How boring life would be if we did nothing! To keep our lives exciting we need to put the past behind us focus on what we can do today and plan for our future! Some of us may be starting a new career, planning for retirement, starting a new relationship or planning a much needed vacation. Stop and write down what you need to do to accomplish that goal. Putting your plan down in writing makes it more real and likely that you will accomplish your goal. For example my 40 year high school reunion is at homecoming weekend in the small town I grew up in. It’s always fun to see a lot of people I grew up with and went to school with. So in order to drive there I need to save money each week until then in case I have to go alone. So I’m setting aside money each week the same amount in order to have the money I need to go. It’s a long drive so I’ll need the money for snacks and sandwiches to save on eating out along the way. I just pack a ice chest with water and sandwiches to eat along the way. So decide how much money if any you need for your goal and how long until you need the money. It’s much better to save the money and not use credit cards or loans. You will feel so much better when you reach your goal if you saved and paid for it with a debit card or cash.
So don’t look back because the past is over. Learn from it and focus on now and the future. Live in the moment and step forward each day!