Step by Step

by Darla Youngblood

Anything we want to accomplish in our lives takes planning . Just like planning a trip you have to decide where you are going , when you are going. You also have to decide if you’re taking a car, plane, train or bus. Then most people have to save money to go.
So to accomplish whatever you want to in your life first sit down as an individual or a family to plan for things you want to accomplish .Just brainstorm about everything you want to achieve in your life even if it’s something that seems impossible to reach. Then start with a few of them. Write down step by step what you need to do to accomplish your goals. Then break those steps down into how long it will take you to reach that goal. Will you have to save money for that goal?How long will it take you to reach that goal? Are there small steps you can take each month to reach that goal?
If you think about anything you have accomplished in your life it took time but it was worth it!it made you feel amazing to accomplish something and you don’t have to ever quit striving for something you truly want to accomplish in your life! Have Hope! Don’t let the storms in life ruin your life. Because everyone has had storms they have been through in life but we have survived those storms and are still alive and can keep going!
So just do it! Take one step at a time and before you know it you’ll be at the top of the mountain! You can accomplish anything!