Start a Routine

by Darla Youngblood

We all need to have a morning routine and evening routine.
In the morning , clean out your cats litter box or take your dog outside. Our pets are dependent on us to take care of them. After taking care of the pets. Sit down and relax with a cup of coffee writing down what you need to accomplish in that day.
Clean the bathroom each morning so it’s clean for the whole family or just for yourself if you live alone.
Start a load of laundry so you can stay on top of the laundry and not wait until there is lots of loads to do.
Make your family or yourself a nice breakfast. It doesn’t have to be a big breakfast more like blueberry or banana muffins.
Start each day by reading a devotional or other positive book.As you leave for work notice the sunshine and how it greets you even on cold days.
When you come home at night and make supper, think about what you and your family can talk about that each of you accomplished today. After supper, get the kitchen cabinets wiped off and start the dishwasher. You will be so happy to wake up to a clean kitchen.
Pick up the living room each night so it’s cleaned for the next night of watching movies or TV.
Put out food and water for your cats or dogs and make sure they are full in the morning too.
Doing these little things each day helps us all feel better and helps our homes run smoothly.
Take time for yourself each day too so you can practice self care.