
By Darla Youngblood

As I have gotten older , the most important thing to me is having peace and calm in my life. Keeping my stress down. Walking away from people and things that jeopardizes that peace and happiness I have and want to keep in my life.
Don’t ever feel bad about wanting peace and happiness in your life and doing what it takes to get there. We all have a right to live with peace and harmony in our lives. That means we have to look at the relationships we have in our lives. I have found if I’m the one reaching out each time to talk to someone and they are not responding back by calling me or reaching out to me then I’m just wasting valuable time and energy on someone who doesn’t care about me. Walking away from people who don’t try at the relationship is okay. You don’t owe that person anything if they are not trying at the relationship. The same goes with activities. Are we doing too many activities and being so busy that there’s no time of just resting and relaxing. Time for real peace and quiet. Sometimes we have to look at that and realize we need to cut back on some activities and find some peace and calm in our lives.
Every morning I have a routine of getting up and making a cup of coffee and sitting outside to drink it just breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the warmth of the sunshine. That starts my day off in a positive direction and starts the day off peacefully. If you have a family try getting up a hour before they do and have a morning routine of drinking a cup of coffee reading a devotional or some other inspirational book just to start your day off in a positive direction. We all need time to ourselves sometimes and starting off the day that way just puts you in a good mood for the day.
Then I have a night routine where I watch a episode of my favorite tv show then I’m relaxed and I write for my blog so it’s there the next morning for my readers to read. Then I’m able to go to sleep.
So think about ways you can bring some peace relaxation and happiness into your life by finding those things even little things you can do to bring peace and joy into your life each day.