Merry Christmas 2023

by Darla Youngblood

Merry Christmas to all my readers! I started this blog to just share things about my family my mom Dad grandparents and my life as a single mom and now Gram Gram. I had spent the day before Christmas making the recipe I shared on here for Texas Sheet Cake. This is not my moms recipe. For some reason she would never give me any of her recipes. This one I found on Facebook by an anonymous baker.I bought two 13×9 inch foil pans with lids that I bought from Walmart. They turned out to be the perfect size and just perfect for me to take one of them to my daughters house today for Christmas! I used self rising flour and did not put in the salt or baking soda. They came out perfect the recipe makes two 13×9 inch cakes! These cakes do not rise very tall and that is right for these cakes! The recipe also makes enough icing for both cakes. I used almost an entire bag of confectionery sugar so don’t think you are using too much. Make the icing as thick or thin as you want although not too thick so you have enough icing to ice both cakes! They came out so very yummy and good! I plan to make this for Christmas every year from now on!
I also created my own big pan of chicken vegetable soup! I used a whole tall small box of Chicken broth plus a little water to make a huge pan! I had boiled two chicken breasts and shredded them and used about one chicken breasts but add as much chicken as you like. I added one can of mixed vegetables and about half a bag of elbow macaroni and salt pepper and lots of garlic and onion powder especially the garlic. It came out so yummy! So Christmas Eve I didn’t cook at all but ate the soup for lunch and supper! I cleaned my whole little one bedroom apartment which I love my apartment ! It was brand new when I moved in and I just signed my 3rd year lease! I have to get the office approval to add grab bars in my bathroom but they don’t mind as long as I pay for them to be installed myself! So after I finished cleaning my apartment like I wanted, I wrapped and put into gift bags the few presents I bought for my two toddler grandchildren a granddaughter 4 years old and a grandson 2 years old! I also have 3 teenage grandchildren that I just give money for Christmas as well as I do each of my adult children! They get so many gifts from other family and friends they enjoy getting money from me to buy something for themselves they didn’t get and really want so it works out well for them and me😋! So I enjoyed my Christmas Eve and even went outside to enjoy the fresh air twice and the beautiful sunny day we had!
Now my apartment is all clean so I’m enjoying my Christmas Day and soon will go to my daughters to enjoy a ham she’s cooked in the crockpot and I’ll share her recipe on my recipes later! And I plan to just enjoy the day with my daughter, son in law and 4 of my 5 grandchildren. My son and daughter in law spend Christmas with her family. My teenage grandson in Michigan spends Christmas there! I hope each of my readers has a wonderful Christmas Day with your family and friends ! Thank you to each of you for reading my blog! Merry Christmas 🎄🎁🩷