Make your home beautiful

By Darla Youngblood

The best way to make your home beautiful is by getting rid of stuff . Go through things and either give them away to a charity or just throw them away if it’s not something that someone else can use. Start by cleaning up anything! Start with decluttering a drawer or going through your storage room. Start getting rid of things and get them out of your house completely. The more stuff you get rid of the more open space you have and it’s so freeing and makes cleaning so much easier and so much less time. By having less stuff to depress you looking at all the time your in a much better mood and you have time to do the things you love like reading books, doing crafts or some other hobby you enjoy! This just makes you feel happy doing things you enjoy more and less cleaning! Simplicity is what makes your life less stressful and makes you happier and can plan things to use your money on like a vacation to somewhere new that you haven’t been to before! Look at my travel section and go through my Viator link and find fun activities to do while you are on vacation and making memories instead of spending money on stuff! Or find experiences to do with your family and friends ! Go to the zoo for the day! The more stuff you get rid of then you have the money and time for doing all the things in life you can enjoy and have great memories and so much fun! So make your home beautiful! Make your home a peaceful environment and you will be so happy you did!