Living well and spending zero

By Darla Youngblood

This is a great book. Dave Ramsey and Ruth talk about having one month of spending on only necessary things like gas for your car or maybe milk if you run out but overall taking a whole month of not spending. Ruth’s book was written a while back but most of what she talks about in the book still applies to today. If anything reading her book will help you understand the importance of not spending for a month . By doing that it will help you see all the little things you spend money on that you could save that money for a much needed vacation or something else you have a goal for. Maybe it’s starting that emergency fund for anything that may come up you need the cash for. Little things like cutting out getting coffee on your way to work and instead buy a nice coffee cup you can fill up at home each morning saving money on coffee. Or making your own breakfast sandwiches to take so you don’t stop for that donut on the way to work. Just little things like that you can change so you are saving money instead of spending it. I highly recommend this book and doing a no spend month occasionally to see where you can save money each month. Every little bit adds up and then you will have the money for that one thing you need or want. Doing this even once a year the same time every year can help you see the benefits of saving money on the little things that will add up to more money in your pocket.