How I improved my health

By Darla Youngblood

I have a lot of health problems diabetes and kidney disease being some of the main ones. So my doctor takes my bloodwork often to see where I’m at. I definitely am addicted to sugar! I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs but sugar is also bad for your body if eaten too much. So my A1C which is my blood sugar over a 3 month period had got to it’s all time high! My triglycerides were also very high. So my endocrinologist said if I didn’t get it down I’d have to start on insulin. At the same time my kidney disease had gotten up to stage 3 again so I knew I had to reverse it.
So I always drink lots of filtered water, one or two cups of coffee in the morning and milk occasionally. Rarely a diet soda. I started buying big packs of chicken breasts making chicken tacos with really healthy tortillas and anything else I could fin to use the chicken with. Lots of times I eat a chicken breast cooked in the oven with vegetables. I also make my own chicken soup see recipes. I also buy bags of frozen fish I especially love tilapia and salmon. Occasionally I eat other kinds of meat but mostly chicken and fish. I rarely eat pasta or bread because it breaks down into sugar in your body. And I only eat something sweet maybe once a week or just on special occasions. I make strawberries and bananas smoothies or some other fruit smoothie when I want something sweet.
Eating this way has brought my A1C down and my triglycerides from 1200 to 271. My kidney disease is back to stage one and my kidney doctor says they are normal for my age! I’ve lost over a few years 115 pounds !
Eating healthy is the key to improving your health and wellbeing.Don’t ever take diet pills or any supplements at all! They are dangerous and I had a cousin get permanent heart damage from taking a popular pill out at the time in the past. If you just focus on eating healthy and walking as much as you can then this is the best way to improve your health at any age wether you want to lose weight or just feel better physically and mentally. I have my kids and grandkids to live for and this is an easy way to eat and stay healthy. Take good care of yourself! Do it for yourself and for the people who love and support you!