
Its almost time for Halloween! Growing up we trick or treated from Kindergarten through 5th grade. 6th through Senior we soaped up the business windows. We had eggs, tomatoes and of course toilet paper to throw at each other. It was fun! I just felt sorry for the people who had to clean it up.
Not sure if they still do that there.
As a single parent my children and I moved to Denton, Texas. We lived on the Texas Woman’s University campus where I was finishing my bachelors degree.
TWU has two towers of dorms that both are 20 floors. On Halloween the kids would take a pillow case and trick or treat from the top to the bottom and got a lot of candy! It was a lot of fun for the kids and the students . Another dorm had hot dogs, carmel apples
and face painting. That was fun for the kids too.
Now I love the ideas that my church in San Antonio had. One night they had trunk or treat. People decorated their trunks and opened them in the church parking lot so kids could go from trunk to trunk for treats!
They also had a Fall Festival each year where kids came in their Halloween costumes. Both were a lot of fun for the kids. Now that I’m living in Arizona close to my grandkids its fun to see them! Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!