Grieving and the holidays

by Darla Youngblood

For a lot of people the holidays are very hard. Either they just lost a loved one , friend or even a pet. And for others it’s the anniversary date of losing that loved one or pet.
My Dad died December 13,1975. I had just turned 11 years old and was very much a Daddy’s girl. Even though people in our small town brought gifts and food , it was still the hardest Christmas of my life. I really didn’t start to enjoy Christmas again until I had my daughter and son who brought the joy of Christmas back into my heart!
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one or pet this Christmas, be very loving and kind to yourself. Don’t feel like you have to be Merry and Bright. It’s okay to feel sad and even depressed. If you can find something or someone who can bring some peace to your heart this season then that would help.
But if your depression gets to be too much then please call 988 for the suicide hotline. There is always someone to talk to.
We always have those beautiful memories of our loved ones and pets! I found a picture of my Dad holding me when I was around two years old and loved it so much I had it enlarged to a 5×7 and it’s hanging on my wall now. Maybe it’s a candle that the smell reminds you of a special time with your loved ones. Find things or people who give you peace this holiday season.