
By Darla Youngblood

Gratitude is such an important thing for all of us to have. Grateful for being alive to enjoy our family and friends. Family and friends bring companionship and compassion into our lives. My children and grandchildren bring joy and happiness and so much love in my heart and life. Animals in our world are so special and beautiful creatures and such a huge variety. My two cats bring me so much happiness and joy every day! And gratefulness is especially wonderful watching a sunrise or sunset and the awe of our beautiful sky! Being grateful for all we own that we worked so hard for in our lives that some people in our world don’t even have the basics of being a human being like a safe warm place to sleep or food to eat. Believe that we all have a purpose in life to make a difference in this world before we leave it. Grateful for the beautiful nature we have beaches with oceans of water, mountains, little wildflowers this time of year with so many different colors, birds of different colors and shapes that sing us a song when we are outside. So grateful for all our world that has beauty in it and gives us so much happiness and comfort and joy in our lives. We have so much to be grateful for and it helps us to remember that each day that even if we are going through a storm in our lives we always have something to be grateful for that we will survive the storm and come out stronger on the other side. So find something to be thankful for today!