
Hello readers! When I was 3 years old for some stupid reason I thought it was fun to walk with one foot top on top of the other onehouThe we were a hado face furnace floor th now closed all in. But I was walk around like that and tripped and fell on top of the open face furnace burning both hands with second and third degree burns! I immediately started having seizures. Unfortunately still have them and recently had two in one day! The hospital did a mri on my brain and I finally got the right diagnosis . It’s epilepsy I have grand mal seizures and I go unconscious. My medicine wasn’t strong enough and only had to stay in the hospital one night! I have to keep my brain relaxed which I do by writing on here or reading a positive book! I’m only going to have the one travel affiliate on my blog! I plan to use it myself sounds fun! If you purchase a ticket please go through my link under travel so I get the commission! I’m feeling a little better each day! Just takes a while for me to to get over a seizure. I just turned 59 so it’s a lot harder I’m on me at my age. Please don’t rent any of those old houses if you have children! Some are just not safe unfortunately. Just wanted to share my story more! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas ! 🎄🎁