
By Darla Youngblood

Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another-Alfred Adler

Empathy is something we all need to work on mastering. We all need to slow down our conversations and really listen to each other and put yourselves in that person’s place about what they are going through. Because we have all as human beings unfortunately gone through some very difficult tough situations in our lives especially losing a loved one. That’s always the hardest thing for me. I think it’s because of losing my Dad exactly one month after I turned 11 years old. I finally realized every funeral I attended after that just triggered that feeling all over again. So I stopped going to funerals and I started sending sympathy cards with heartfelt condolences and memories of those who died. Family and friends really cherish the cards I send. And maybe it’s losing a job unexpectedly and the worry of finding a new job and how your going to survive until them. Or like now maybe it’s something wonderful like a high school or college graduation! Or the intensive joy of having a newborn child or grandchild! We need to find ways to celebrate our family and friends amazing wonderful good times and also be there in hard difficult times too! That’s what we do for all people in our lives. We are in this world together as people just taking life one day at a time. Empathy is an essential part of our lives.