Emotional wellness

By Darla Youngblood

Emotional wellness is so important. We want to be able to express our emotions when we can and not bottle things up. It’s important to manage our stress each day. Take ten or fifteen minutes a day to breathe in the fresh air, wash your face with a warm washcloth or drink a cup of coffee or hot tea and relax for a few minutes. Another way I enjoy relaxing is reading a book or writing a email to my best friend! Stay positive! Each day find 3 things to write down to be gratefully grateful for. I’m grateful for the sunshine here in Arizona! I grew up in Oklahoma where we had terrible winters so I enjoy the sunshine here we have each day and sit outside once or twice a day to enjoy it. Think positive and focus on the happiest parts of your life! I’ve been through some very traumatic things in my life but I don’t dwell on those things and focus more on my life now .I focus on my friends and family and especially enjoy talking to my daughter each day about the grandkids and the funny things the little ones say. Manage your emotions each day by keeping your stress down and finding good things to focus on. Try a new recipe or listen to a new song. Listen to some old songs from your teenage years and dance! Get a pet to keep you company and bring you laughter every day! Finding joy in your life is so important to manage your emotions! Try to be positive and happy. We only have one life to live.