By Darla Youngblood
It’s Easter week! Time to get ready for new spring clothes to wear to church if you go. Easter candy, hunting Easter eggs and that special meal of ham or something else special for your Easter meal!
Funny story. When I was growing up in Oklahoma the weather was extremely cold one year when I was little so we hid Easter eggs inside the house. Well I think one of my brothers hid the eggs once real boiled eggs they didn’t have plastic eggs yet then. I don’t remember which of my 3 brothers hid the eggs but they put one behind the coach and forgot they did! Yes we found out very quickly with the awful smell in the house a egg had been forgotten! Luckily we did find it and threw it away and the smell went away! So remember this story if you decide to use boiled eggs but it’s a lot safer to use the plastic ones plus fun to put candy in the plastic ones or some other surprise for the kids!
Make it a special family day! Find a church to visit , plan a good meal, hide Easter eggs over and over! Always fun to celebrate the holidays!