By Darla Youngblood
Everything is more expensive now especially gas and groceries.
Here is some ideas on how to cut your monthly expenses.
Cut the cable and get a streaming app. But be careful not to get more than one or two apps to keep your entertainment costs down.
Cancel any subscriptions to magazines or other subscriptions as these add up each month.
Get food from a food bank to stretch your groceries if you need to. Most only require a current I.D.and a utility bill to prove residency.Be sure to call them for exact requirements, days and times they are giving out boxes.
Eat at home or take your lunch to work to save on eating out. Make double the recipe for supper to have leftovers.
Sign up for GasBuddy or Upside to save on gasoline.
Sign up for savings on items you shop for on Rakuten, or Ibotta.
Play card or board games. Watch movies or binge watch a TV show on your streaming app to cut entertainment costs.
If you have a big family or even as one person and want to save on money on groceries, consider buying a membership to Costco or Sams Club to buy groceries in bulk. You can also save on gasoline there.
If you have pets buy the extra large bags of food to help it stretch longer.
As always each family or person is different on what monthly costs you can cut out of your budget. It’s much less stressful to live within your means and save money for emergencies.