Christmas Past

by Darla Youngblood

I’ve been thinking a lot about Christmas growing up.My Mom and Dad didn’t spoil us at Christmas. I always got the doll I wanted and one other present and few presents with clothes yes even a new package of underwear and socks. I remember one year I got the Christmas doll Crissy that I wanted. Crissy had long red hair and a button on her back you could turn to make her hair short.
My Mom sewed a whole box of doll clothes, a sleeping bag and of course a diaper bag. It was fun!
My Mom often sewed clothes for us and even made me a coat in grade school one year.
I have 3 older brothers and we exchanged one gift each. These were great Christmas gifts and I never felt like I was missing out on a lot of gifts.
You don’t have to go broke at Christmas! Make some cookies or fudge and find a craft to make . Your family and friends will love it!Get into the Christmas spirit by watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music ! It’s beginning to look like Christmas everywhere you go…