Christmas fund

By Darla Youngblood

It’s almost the end of the year and it’s time to start thinking about goals you want to accomplish in 2023.
Every year it seems that Christmas sneaks up on us and we never are quite prepared.
So for 2023 let’s all start a Christmas fund. Figure out how much you want to spend on each person you buy for each year. Then take that number and divide by 12 so you know how much to save each month. Talk to your bank to see if you can have a special savings or checking account just for Christmas. If they don’t then save the money in a jar and make sure it’s put somewhere unseen and you remember where it is.
By this time next year you will be so happy you saved the money and able to get some really nice things on Black Friday or Cyber Monday! Also don’t forget about giving something to a food bank or animal shelter. You will be so happy you paid cash for Christmas! No longer any of those dreaded credit card bills in January. I’ve paid cash for Christmas since I was in my middle 20s and I just love it! So start that Christmas fund in January and you will be so happy you did!