Step by Step

by Darla Youngblood Anything we want to accomplish in our lives takes planning . Just like planning a trip you have to decide where you are…


by Darla Youngblood “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” -Thomas Edison This…

Fire Tablet

by Darla Youngblood Several years ago my daughter bought me a Kindle Fire for Christmas and I love it! You can sign up for Kindle Unlimited…

Start a Routine

by Darla Youngblood We all need to have a morning routine and evening routine. In the morning , clean out your cats litter box or take…

My Decluttering Journey

by Darla Youngblood Today starts Lent for those who practice this but even if you don’t it’s a good time to declutter! The picture above is…

Baby Products on Sale

by Darla Youngblood We all know someone having a baby! If it’s you, a grandchild or a friend, check out the products on sale on Amazon.…