Cat Litter on Amazon

By Darla Youngblood

I would like you to meet my two sweet fur babies Bandit is the gray one part Manx and Bonnie is his sister a White Simese. Their mom Pumpkin was a stray in my apartment complex that my neighbor rescued her and her kitten and raised my two babies until they were 8 weeks old when I got them. They were 2 years old February 19.
My neighbor kept Pumpkin and he taught me how to use this amazing purple lavender smell Chrystal cat litter on Amazon! It absorbs the urine as long as you keep it cleaned out on a regular basis I do it twice a day. Then be sure to stir it around so the crystals all have a chance to dry out. If you have one cat then one bag last around two weeks but if you have two cats or more both bags of litter at the same time works better. They come two bags to a box for around 25 dollars. It’s the first litter I’ve ever seen that doesn’t smell! As long as you keep it cleaned out it has a lavender smell ! I also buy Chrystal cat litter deodorizer to sprinkle in it also and stir around. I buy this litter every two weeks for my cats and highly recommend it! Look at all the other wonderful cat supplies and toys for cats and dogs that Amazon has they have a great selection!
I am a Amazon associate. By going through my link below I may receive a commission. This helps keep my blog free to read. Purple Chrystal cat litter