A New Beginning

by Darla Youngblood

Everyone has something hard they have gone through in life. But our past doesn’t have to affect us now or our future! We can all have a new beginning no matter where you are at in life. Taking the time to sit down and write out all the things you want in your life. Love and kindness should be most important. If someone in your life is not being kind loving and supportive to you then it’s time to walk away from that person and get peace in your life and people who love and support you.
Sometimes it’s a job we have that brings more stress into your life than the pay is worth . Start thinking about what your dream job is and make it happen! Starting this blog was my dream job and it took me a couple of years to finally do it and I love it. I’m writing from my life experience in hopes of making you think about ways to improve your life and be happier!
I love this picture of this tiny little plant growing from a hard place to create life! We can do this too! No matter where we are in life we can start a new beginning and make our lives wonderful and amazing!