DIY Crafts

by Darla Youngblood

If you love to sew and do crafts, I have some ideas for you!
At Christmas I found a website Patti J. Good Designs. She has on her website how to make one sock gnomes that are so cute and easy to make! I made 14 of them for Christmas presents along with some no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies and it was a hit! Everyone loved the gnomes and cookies.
I have also made ceramics. It’s fun painting them and they turn out so beautiful after they have finished. I took a pottery class in college and for me it was not easy to make pottery! So I will stick to painting the ones that are already made.
I’ve made stuffed ornaments for the Christmas tree and I found a recipe on Pinterest on how to make cinnamon applesauce ornaments for the Christmas tree that I want to make for Christmas this year.
I made a small baby quilt for both of my kids before they were born and my daughter has used it for her kids when they were babies. My daughter makes big quilts now and has entered contests and had so much fun with it and her quilts are beautiful!
One of my granddaughters is very good at drawing and colors the drawings in with colors of pens.
I’ve bought my kids when they were young and my oldest granddaughter when she was young, craft kits to make bracelets or other small crafts they enjoyed making.
My Mom and my Grandmother both in Heaven now, would crochet around a good washcloth and made two of them exactly alike to give as gifts . I plan to do this myself.
I also enjoy doing embroidery. It takes a while to make one piece but it’s a lot of fun and the pattern comes out beautifully.
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