Be thankful this Christmas

by Darla Youngblood

This Christmas we can all find things to be thankful for. On November 10 this year 2022, I had surgery to remove my thyroid and a nodule that was big. I had a biopsy done on it was told there was a 75 percent it’s cancer family friends and I prayed it was not cancer and it was not! I have always been a pretty positive person. Even when I was going through hard times in my life I knew they would not last long and life would get better !
As we approach a New Year it’s a time to start fresh and really think about the goals we want to accomplish in 2023. Financial goals, self improvement goals and family goals. Just those 3 areas. Don’t overwhelm yourself with a lot of goals you might not keep and then get discouraged. Just find what you are most thankful for . For me, it’s the precious gift of life and being able to spend more time with my kids and grandkids !
I hope each of you have a fun happy Christmas from Arizona! 🎄Thankful too for each of you being my readers