Sorting clothes and toys

by Darla Youngblood

I became a divorced single Mom when my son was 2 years old and my daughter was 3 years old. Even as young as they were they could tell me toys they didn’t play with anymore and clothes they didn’t like. I always told them that there was some kids who didn’t have much toys or clothes and this would help them. They understood and wanted to help.
I went through their clothes and toys 3 times a year. January after Christmas because they always got toys and clothes for Christmas from me, other family and friends. So it was a good time. The second time was in May before summer. I would go through their summer clothes to see what still fit and what I needed to buy. The third time was in August before school started. I would go through their winter clothes to see what fit and what I needed to buy. I would also go through all of my own clothes all 3 times. Then I would take my kids with me to Goodwill to donate them. I always washed and dried the clothes and wiped down the toys.
If you want to sell clothes Poshmark and threadUP buys clothes. And you can also put a ad on Craig’s List or Facebook marketplace to sell anything even furniture.
If you want to donate furniture or any big items that you don’t have any way to take there. Salvation Army will pick it up, it has to be outside your house or apartment as they don’t go inside a residential place. Salvation Army helps victims of domestic violence and sex trafficking victims among others.
Just some ideas of what to do with things you no longer need. Everything we are decluttering makes us feel better while helping others. Plus less to dust!