8 traits of wellness Financial

There are 8 traits of wellness. Emotional, Physical, Occupational, Social, Spiritual, Intellectual, Environmental and Financial. The last trait we will look at in the 8 part series is Financial. We all struggle financially. Wether you are just starting out on your own after high school, as a newlywed couple , a hardworking Mom or Dad or your living on a limited income. We can all use some encouragement in this area. The good news is we can get back in control of our finances by making a budget and sticking to it so we can save money for emergencies or save for something special like that much needed vacation. But inorder to get to that point living on a budget is vital to us thriving financially. That means cutting up your credit cards and using the cash envelope method like I talked about in my cutting cost article for this week. We all know credit cards add a tremendous amount of interest if it’s not paid off each month. So cut up those cards, make a budget. If you find your still short what you need each month then consider changing jobs that will bring in more money, sell things you know you really can’t afford so that you are living within your means. Make a plan to pay off your debt and become debt free . This is a very important part of your wellbeing is getting your finances in order.Don’t compare yourself to others you think are doing well. Those people driving expensive cars or having expensive houses or buying expensive items are probably in a huge amount of debt so looks are deceiving. Focus on your own life and family and make each day count! Find things to do that cost little to no money and you will be so happy you did. So get this part of your life in order and you will relieve a lot of stress off your shoulders. This concludes my series of 8 traits of wellness. Each trait is important to focus on for our overall wellness and wellbeing.

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