8 traits of wellness Intellectual

By Darla Youngblood

There are 8 traits of wellness. 1. Emotional 2. Physical 3. Occupational 4. Social 5. Spiritual 6. Intellectual 7. Environmental 8. Financial .
Today we will look at the intellectual trait of wellness. There are many things we can do to improve our intellectual wellness. We can read more, we can learn a new skill, we can start a new hobby, we can learn to play an instrument and we can even learn a new language! As long as we are learning something new every day it not only helps us reach new goals but helps our mental health tremendously. It’s always fun to learn something new! I enjoy reading books and I enjoy learning new recipes. I learned to play the piano , flute and sing growing up. I’ve been looking into buying a keyboard so I can still enjoy playing a instrument. I also love doing crafts especially around Christmas and making my own Christmas gifts. I find that lots of people love receiving cookies or candy for Christmas that’s homemade. I already have some ideas for Christmas this year! Setting goals is a great way to learn new skills in reaching your goals. Setting a number of books to read in a year is a great idea! Planning that vacation each year takes time and effort to learn about a new place to visit or visit family or a lifetime friend and do some fun activities.
Learning something new every day is fun and rewarding for our mental and intellectual health.