New format

By Darla Youngblood

Today I was talking to my daughter on her way home about how I felt I needed write more to keep my readers interested. But I have been feeling very overwhelmed about what to write about and she gave me an excellent idea that will help me stay focused and I think my readers will love this new format also!
I have 5 categories starting with Book reviews, cutting costs, Faith and wellness, recipes and last travel in that order. So I’m dedicating each day of the week to each category. So on Mondays I will do a book review. Tuesday I will write about a tip on how to cut costs down. Wednesday I’ll write about faith and wellness. To me wellness is a lot about doing things for good self care and mental health and faith in general since we are all of different faiths and some may not have a religious faith so I’ll keep that in mind. Thursday I will post one of my recipes! I sometimes try new recipes but I make them my own. If there is an ingredient I don’t like I just don’t put it in it and it still comes out good. And Friday is travel! I’ll write about places to try with my travel affiliate which I look forward to using this travel affiliate myself in the future! Then I’ll also post about things on my Amazon affiliate as I buy things from Amazon and Walmart the most.
I know this will keep me on track about what to write about each day and if you like a particular category you will now know which day I’ll post a new article about that category. I appreciate all my readers! Thank you for reading my blog! I’m using it to help people by sharing parts of my story so it can help others!