Take back your life

By Darla Youngblood

I love this! It’s a great thing to always do is appreciate the little things in life!
We all have made mistakes in our lives. Maybe a decision we made turned out to be a bad decision but even those mistakes we can learn from and make better decisions. It’s never too late to take back your life! Slow your journey down! Take time each day and focus on what is important in your life! Buying a bunch of stuff that’s just going to lay around your house and clutter it isn’t a good use of your money space or time taking care of all that stuff! So declutter and get rid of stuff! Donate anything that is usable for someone else and throw stuff away that’s not usable. It’s very freeing to have an open space in your home that you can relax in. Decide what you want to do with your time and money! Take a vacation once a year and do a weekend trip somewhere close often! Find a job you really enjoy doing and that your making a difference in this world ! I did social work for a living in 3 different jobs. But it proved to be too stressful especially at that time that I was a single mom so I found easier jobs that I could focus more on raising my children and being with them as much as possible.I wanted a job I could work from home so I started this blog in August 2022 and it’s by far my favorite job! I enjoy writing and being my own boss! So find a job you really enjoy doing! It’s never too late to start a new job and find your passion and purpose in life! Find balance in life! I go outside every day and just enjoy the sunshine and fresh air ! I talk to my neighbors if they are outside! It’s great to get outside for a few minutes every day and really enjoy te sunshine and everything in your neighborhood. I live in an apartment complex and behind our apartment complex wall is houses and someone has chickens in their backyard so every time I go outside I’m greeted by a rooster crowing which always makes me laugh! I grew up on two acres of land in the country so I was use to farm animals growing up but never expected someone in town would have chkens and a rooster in their backyard! So it makes me laugh to hear that rooster just happily crowing every day! Find something every day to laugh about! Watch a comedian online and laugh with your family and friends! Focus on finding balance in your life! Take time to appreciate the little things in life! Make your life as easy as possible! Pay off your debt and become debt free! Spend your money and time on experiences that make beautiful memories! Focus on your positivity and creativity and just enjoy life! There’s good stuff in life so find it every day and take your life back!