Take time to rest

By Darla Young blood

In this busy hectic world of ours, it’s always good for us to slow down and take time to rest!

Start each morning off slow and with a daily routine. Every morning I get up and make a cup of coffee with sugar free french vanilla creamer. Then I just sit in my living room enjoying the sunshine and slowly drinking my cup of coffee. No TV no music just silence and peace. If you have a family especially if you have kids , get up a hour before everyone else does and have this morning routine. If you want to read a devotional or a inspirational book. Starting off your day on a positive note sets the mood for your entire day.

If your off work and had a stressful day take a nap. Who says we only have to take naps in kindergarten? It’s okay as an adult too to take a nap and give your mind and body a much needed break.

Read a book. Escape your busy life and read about someone elses life even if it’s a fictional character. I love losing the world for a while and reading a book! It’s always been my favorite thing to do.

Cook! Make a new recipe! That’s always fun to try a new main dish or maybe it’s that delicious sweet treat you saw a picture of you want to try. Cooking is relaxing when your trying a new recipe and that excitement of how good it will taste. Plus leftovers are also good!

Listen to music! Put on some upbeat music and dance ! Or put on some instrumental music and close your eyes and relax.

Find ways every day to rest and relax. It’s great for your mental health and mood. Take good care of yourself! There is only one you!