St Patrick’s Day Wedding

By Darla Youngblood

Happy St Patrick’s Day ! In 2011on this day my son and daughter in law were married! It was definitely the most fun I had ever had at a wedding!
I want to share a lot of great things they did to keep the costs low and it still was just so much fun for the people who were there!
The venue they picked was the Botanical Gardens. This made naturally beautiful pictures outside with all the beautiful plants and flowers in the garden. Her Mom created beautiful centerpieces for the tables made from artificial flowers and greenery. My son did all the music himself and created a playlist of old songs rock music and country music songs that were upbeat and we had a small dance floor for everyone to dance on. He ask me what song I wanted for the mother son dance song and my ex husband what song he wanted for the bride and father in law dance song and had those songs playing as each of us dance with my son and daughter in law.
They served finger sandwiches, fruit, cake, wine and beer. So there wasn’t the expense of serving the meal and all the sandwiches cut up fruit were done by my daughter in laws mom and her friends since I lived in another state at the time so I couldn’t be there to help them.
The favorite part of the wedding for me was at the end my son daughter in law and all of the wedding party put on sunglasses and my son picked up my daughter in law carried her off the floor as they all walked out to the song Eye of the Tiger !
The whole wedding was fun and the kids thought of so many great ideas to keep the cost down!
When your planning a wedding remember that the wedding is only one day! Yes it’s a wonderful day with family and friends but the marriage is what matters and that should take a lot of talking and planning for both people and especially to talk about experiences and goals of things you each want to do together and what you want for your future and it’s very important to talk about how your going to handle those situations in life that are hard and difficult to get through like a lose of a job or losing your parents or other loved ones that we know will happen in life. And of course children you either want to have or may already have.
my ex husband and I went to high school together and fell in love and both of us were still teenagers when we got married and had our daughter and son. I think we were both just too young to realize at the time but what became clear very quickly is we lived completely different lifestyles. We were both just too young at the time we got married to realize how difficult it was going to be being so different in what we both liked to do and how we lived our lives. So by the time we were in our early twenties the relationship fell apart. I had custody of both my kids and became a divorced single mom when my son was two years old and my daughter was 3 years old. I have never remarried.
So marriage is something important we should all think about before we start a life together with that special person in our lives. It’s a wonderful thing for so many couples and all my family and friends except for a few people are in long term relationships . But there’s nothing wrong with being single if you prefer that either! I enjoy being single and I enjoy spending time with my kids, grandkids, family , friends and my two sweet fur babies my two cats which are brother and sister Bandit and Bonnie ! So I feel very fortunate that I have a lot of family and friends in my life and that makes me happy!
So if you want to get married then do that and build a family with that person! But if you are happy being single that’s good too! Don’t ever feel like you have to do anything that makes you unhappy in your life! Life is short and it’s important to be happy grateful and at peace where you are with your life! And celebrate the good things in your life everyday!