Experiences make wonderful memories

By Darla Youngblood

This is the Legion Hut in the small town I grew up in in Oklahoma. The population of the town when I was growing up there was 2000. One stop light and a town where neighbors help neighbors and everyone watches out for the kids so they are always safe! In the winter time with snow all over the place, the teenagers sponsored by several parents had our teen dances! When the weather was warm the street was blocked off in front of the one bank and we danced on the streets ! These dances didn’t cost the teenagers any money and was so much fun!
If you are single or married with kids, doing things that cost little money and is an experience like going on vacation or going to the Zoo to look at all the animals! Anything we experience is going to make lasting memories with our friends and family! Spending time with family and friends is so important!
As a single parent I always tried to find fun things for me my son and daughter to do! Saturday night was our movie night! We would binge watch movie after movie! I always ordered a pizza to be delivered and at least one two liter bottle of soda .
Sometimes we watched romantic comedy movies and since my son was the only boy in the house we often watched the action movies he liked and my daughter and I liked too! It’s important that every person has his or her own experience even if it’s a family experience!
Find ways to cut costs in other ways. Cut back on groceries, find other things to cut out like subscriptions to magazines or too many streaming services. The more you cut back on your monthly expenses that frees your money for experiences or a vacation. Explore your own state or country for activities like museums , zoos or other activities that’s within driving distance for a weekend!
We get way too caught up in buying stuff that eventually turns into clutter. Save your money not for material things but experiences with your family and friends that create lifetime memories.