8 traits of wellness Spirituality

By Darla Youngblood

There are 8 traits of wellness. 1. Emotional 2. Physical 3. Occupational 4. Social 5. Spiritual 6. Intellectual 7. Environmental and 8. Financial. Today we will look at Spirituality.
I grew up going to church and raised my kids in church. I still go to church now. I find it helpful to have that fellowship with others and hearing the sermons each week. Spirituality though isn’t about a religion . I think it’s that relationship you have with God if you go to church or not. It’s having that connection to God through your faith that is something greater than us and that positive part of ourselves. It’s the part of us that has connection to other people to show compassion and understanding supporting each other in good times and difficult times. It’s finding ways to be grateful for all we have and recognizing there are so many people in this world with so much less than what we have. I think most people believe in praying about things or maybe just thinking positively about things. Connecting our faith and spiritual life to do better in this world not only for ourselves but even showing compassion to a stranger. One day recently I was in a fast food place eating a five dollar meal that consisted of a sandwich, fries and chicken nuggets. I ate the sandwich and fries and I had noticed a woman refilling a plastic jug of water and not anything to eat. She looked like she might be homeless so I ask if she’d like some chicken nuggets and she very happily said yes. It was just a little thing but that may be the only food she had that day. Finding ways to help strangers or a family member or friends help us feel better spiritually and emotionally. Practicing gratitude each day for all that we have accomplished and all we are blessed with. Most of us have a safe place to live, plenty of food and water, heating and air conditioning. We are so fortunate to have those things when we have so many people even here in the United States that are homeless and have nowhere to go or other places torn apart by wars and natural disasters. We all have something we can be grateful for. Connect to that wonderful spirit we all have and help others and keep believing we can make our lives and others a little easier each day.