8 traits of wellness Socialization

There are 8 traits of wellness. All 8 of this traits are areas we should work on each day to improve our wellness mentally and physically. These traits are Emotional, Physical, Occupational, Social, Spiritual, Intellectual, Environmental, and Financial.
Today we will look at our social life. Social means how we positively interact in all our relationships with our family, friends, partners and colleagues. Every day we should look for the positive in these relationships. Of course relationships are not perfect and we all go through tough situations. But if we have people in our lives that have been and are there with us in these tough situations and also there to celebrate our good times in our lives, these are the people to cherish love and appreciate! On the other side if you have someone in your life who is causing you too much stress and especially arguing constantly then that’s a person you really should distance yourself from and possibly even just walk away from. We only have one life to live and I can tell you when you get to be my age I’ll be 60 years old in a few months, you only want peace calm happy life. You no longer have the time or patience for drama anymore. So focus on those positive good people in your life!
Spend time with family and friends! Go out for coffee with a friend. Invite a few friends over for a potluck and to play cards or some other kind of game. Go see a movie or try a new restaurant or recipe at home. Start a new hobby that you can enjoy and interact with other people who enjoy the same hobby. Find ways to socialize each week! You will be so happy you did!