7 ways to cut costs at home

By Darla Youngblood

These are 7 other ideas on how to cut costs at home.
1. Keep track of spending habits. Track all your spending for two months, then you will be able to see where you spend the majority of your money and find ways to cut spending.
2. Create a budget

Calculate your income after taxes so you know exactly how much is going into your bank account. Know where you are spending your money even that cup of coffee from the coffee shop on your way to work each morning. Make a plan to spend less than you make so you are living within your means.
3. Update subscriptions. Cancel magazine subscription or channel streaming that you don’t use and find some added money for your budget.
4. Save on utility costs. The Department of Energy says people can save as much as ten percent on heating and cooling costs with a Smart Thermostat. Unplug any appliances that are not in use for more savings.
5. Find cheaper housing options. If renting look in other areas of town or in close by areas to find cheaper places to rent. Talk to your bank to see if there is a way to lower your interest rate on your mortgage.
6. Eat at home. That 20 dollar restaurant meal can be made for 6-8 dollars at home. One of my favorite websites is copyKat.com. She has over 125 copycat recipes from restaurants like Olive Garden, Cracker Barrel and even McDonald’s. Check out her website and find one of your favorite restaurants copycat recipes.
7. Make a list stick to it and shop for groceries online. I always shop for my groceries online and have them delivered for a small fee per month. You can also do pickup and go get the items after they have shopped for you and save on the delivery fee. I’ve saved a lot more money online because I can see the amount after I put each item in my cart so that I can stick to my monthly food budget. Plus by shopping online it eliminates seeing something and purchasing it that you didn’t have on your list. Delivery or pick up also saves you a ton of time.

Think of other ways you and your family can cut down on the home costs and save money for other goals.

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