15 Ways to Cut Costs

By Darla Youngblood

  • Look at subscriptions and try to eliminate some
  • Look at Salvation Army and Goodwill for cheaper clothes and items
  • Make homemade gifts or baked goods for gifts instead of buying expensive gifts
  • Borrow books or checkout books from the library
  • Create a budget for holidays
  • Get haircuts at a beauty school or another low cost salon
  • Look for free community activities
  • Choose store brands instead of name brands
  • Reevaluate gym membership to see if you can find free ways to exercise
  • Make your own pet food and treats
  • Choose staycation over expensive vacations
  • Choose water to drink and skip dessert when eating out
  • Make meals from your pantry , Refrigerator and Freezer before buying groceries
  • Plan potlucks with friends and play games for entertainment
  • Plan and pack meals for road trips and visiting amusement parks