10 ways to increase family time

by Darla Youngblood

  • Always make enough food for leftovers for lunch
  • Eat supper together
  • After supper and homework is done, play a card or board game until bedtime. My kids and I played Spades which was a lot of fun.

    Make Saturday night family nights. Pop some popcorn and get some drinks to watch a movie or two.
  • Sunday go to church and participate in the church’s activities.
  • Spend time at your house doing chores on Saturday.
  • Make a big lunch to eat after church on Sunday such as roast, potatoes and carrots.
  • Wake up early to have coffee before the kids are awake.
  • Make a priority list each day of things to accomplish.

  • Start having a family meeting each week going over old business and new business. As kids get older grade school and above , let one of them lead the meeting to learn leadership skills. My children were leaders in different clubs in Jr. High and High School.